Tag Archives: Achievment

Spirit in the Wind

14 Sep

For me, there seems to be more certainty in the things that I cannot see, feel or touch, not in a tangible way at least. I am talking about the spirit in the wind. The spirit that drives every living soul, every living entity on this planet and beyond. It’s the magic and the wonder in the things that cannot be spoken by mere human tongue. So, in this way, there is no judgment or thought, nor, are …there decisions to be made, nor are there conclusions to come to…

I speak of the side of life that yes, we might question from time to time, but those questions have the ability to form the most beautiful sensations. We can never put an answer to such things, we just have to feel them. And we just know that what we are feeling is real, and it is true.


I like to get lost in such moments. Being out in nature, the quiet times, the connections made between people through traumatic and/or miraculous events, the simple beauty brought to life by the simplest of things. Nature. Humanity. And everything in between… There are worlds that we do not see within this world that we do see. Those unseen worlds can whisk us away, in such a way, that feeling overrides thought. The creative mind springs to life… And that is the only thing that matters, because, in actuality, that is the only thing that is real…


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