Archive | July, 2014

Communications Class

22 Jul

Well, that was a very short article that I just read (Glee Fandom and Twitter) Nevertheless, a show came to mind that may or may not coincide with this article, but I do want to talk about it. Spartacus, on HBO. It ended permanently. But there is still a huge fan base on Twitter. There is at least one actor who actually responds and interacts with his fans. I was blown away by that. My favorite character in the show didn’t respond and he lost my favor entirely. But this other guy, a lesser known actor was humble and gracious and responsive. That is how it should be. But then again, what if every actor responded on Twitter- would it be a free for all? Would the interaction be less special? Are the ‘higher’ ‘quality’ actors, the leads, more special than the others and should they ‘accordingly’, act as ‘gods’ who only have a face, but no voice and no participation to ‘the little people’.. Anyway, I think that this particular show did a great job in utilizing social media. Some were not as responsive as others, but over all- it worked. The show is canceled but it still has a huge following on this site.

Communications Class

10 Jul

Radio has affected culture by being at the stand point of a whole revolution. Radio was the first media technology to bring an entire country together. People in the music industry counted on the radio to play their songs, and from there, they made it big. Political protests via music from the 60’s and 70’s era brought people together, as it gave them a voice and something to relate to, fight for, and believe in. From there, other venues of media came out. To me, radio was the brain child. Honestly, it’s hard to say how radio will, or if it will stand the test of time and influence our future generations in a new way, but it could. I do see radio always being there. If something happens where we have a decline in technology for whatever reason, radio will be the stand by. Say the world is about to end and internet has a global crash, we’ll be turning on our radios to hear what’s going on! Other than that, it wouldn’t surprise me if radio media comes up with some highly creative new way of interacting with us, where we can interact back. Either way, radio still has a following. I listen to news radio regularly. Public radio is my forte. There is always something interesting to be said, and while on those long drives, where I am left alone with my thoughts, it’s nice to have my brain be stimulated a bit.


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