You are. You are…

21 Jun

When I let go.                                              

When I let go, I find my heart. I touch the scars. I see where I’ve been. All shame is lost. I begin again. When I let go, I find you…


You love me deeply. You’ve known me all along. You’ve seen my battles. You’ve sung my song. When I let go. My tears are free. My love lets loose…


And there you’ll be… When I let go. You take my hand. Your love never forsakes me. You understand. Not mere man, are you, my blazing love

But no words can describe the presence of your touch. When I let go… You’re all that I need, and it is then that I remember…

That it was for me that you bled, and it is for you, that I bleed… When I let go. We are one. You are everything. And this, is love.



30 Apr

What’s with the ‘baby tragedy headliners’ as of late? Mother Shot Dead While Holding Her Baby, Father Uses His Baby as a Human Shield.

Baby Left Abandoned on a Beach. Fetus Found in Hospital Laundry. Baby Shot Dead After LA Gang Attack. What is the connection here?

Our babies are being killed. And the biggest offender of all: ABORTION. This is what comes to mind as I watch the headlines every day.

Why are our babies being killed? Why are we killing our own children? Babies! You can’t look in dismay at the headliners if you stand for abortion.

These things that are happening are not coincidences. People need to wake up. We are bringing calamities upon ourselves by our disastrous choices.

ABORTION is WRONG! We do not have a right to choose whether a life is to be lived or whether a life is to be demolished! WAKE UP!


The way I see it; The world is so blinded by their loss of morality that they NEED a higher persuasion  to say;


There Is Nothing To Dread. There Is Nothing To Fear!

18 Apr


Any time that you feel ‘DREAD’ or ‘ANXIETY’ or ”FEAR’; stop whatever you are doing and reflect on the moment, talk to God, let him fill your mind with adventure and poetry and romance (because that is what HE is!) and watch the truth be revealed right before your very eyes; what you think isn’t really what you think!

Your ‘dread’ is ‘ANTICIPATION’ (For something AWESOME!) Your ‘anxiety’ is really EXCITEMENT’ (because deep down you know something OUT OF THIS WORLD AMAZING is about to take place in your life!) And your ‘fear’ is only a simple symptom of you not yet figuring these things out!

I am telling you, Grab a hold of what will soon be your life’s greatest adventure yet. Your destiny. Grab a hold of it. It awaits! And remember, what you ‘feel’ and what you ‘think’ is going on (isn’t always the case!) Actually, most of  the time it isn’t!

Dig deep, ~Keep Your Fire of Faith Aflame~, ask to be shown the truth of whatever it is going on inside of you and I promise you, God will reveal the truth!

2 Samuel 22:29 (#1 of 25 Bible Verses about Light)
29 You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light.

Speaking Out Against ABUSE. Say NO To CODEPENDENT Relationships. Let Yourself Be Set Free!!!!

18 Apr

I am so ANGERED right now! Women (and men) you have to stop putting up with ABUSE

from your relationships. This has got to stop!! Just because you ‘like’ someone you are

dating, doesn’t give you the go ahead to stay locked into a place where you have

completely RELINQUISHED YOUR POWER over to that person (and to your ‘feelings’) You

are letting people and feelings CONTROL you!!

I know what I’m talking about! I grew up with abuse. I took it with me into my early 20’s. I saw

through the eyes of a *powerless fate*! Until one day I WOKE UP! I MADE my eyes OPEN to

the TRUTH. I pulled myself away from someone that I dearly loved (or thought I did),

someone that I was planning a future with! As hard as it was, I separated myself from my

FEELINGS. I put myself in an abused women’s shelter so I could learn the signs and I have

been a strong independent woman ever since. I TOOK MY POWER BACK! And I never

looked back!!!! 

You must do the same! You wonder why your energy is completely drained? It’s because

you’re giving it away! Stop the ABUSE. TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK!!! No one has the right to

control you. It breaks my heart that people don’t see this…

Talk It as You Walk It.

16 Apr

541798_567683596598129_1892887657_nI want to speak out against loneliness, that beastly devil! I want to speak out against any lies that have plagued your heart (and my own).

You are a child of the most high! Your company is highly desired!! Don’t believe otherwise. Smile. Be grateful for what God has done in your life.

For he has blessed you with friendships that you don’t even know about yet!!

If you are single surrounded by married couples, don’t you fret. Keep your eyes on God and he will set your heart on high! You are prized!

You are God’s beloved! Loneliness has no place in a heart that is treasured by ((THE)) Almighty GOD!

  Let your heart be filled by the beauty and wonder of all that He is and all that He has made! A highly favored prince and princess you are.

Loneliness is gone. For the Christ has risen and HE HAS OVERCOME LONELINESS. On that cross he overcame!!! There is no sickness,there is no ‘being alone’ , we are one in the eyes of Christ.

Be healed, BE WELL and claim your deliverance! He took care of that for you!!!

SO BELIEVE THAT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! BELIEVE in what God has done for you!

A New Day

13 Jul
Her heart was battered and scattered and bruised. Until finally one day.. Cinderella’s wishes came true. No longer dried up and used, a great beauty laid to waste..
Oh no, no, no, no, her innocence paved the way, she was given a taste!
Trading rags for fine linen and fabrics of satin and silk.
The dirt once upon her face, washed clean, complexion flawless, smooth like raw milk…
A sweet scent filled the air with the fragrance of redemption and spring.
As she looked to the sky, stars glittered in her eyes as her mouth began to sing..
In her new world she forgot not from whence she came.
But she arose with new life.
 Her once toiled heart, broken no more, nor lame,  because she was saved..
By God, Cinderella was saved… ❤
  Thank you God! ♥

Inner Child

11 Jul

Candy is so appeasing to the eyes of a child,

a red balloon that travels for miles and miles.

The twinkling of hope in two small brown eyes,

A heart full with joy before it was filled with empty lies.

Jewels of the Nile and threaded diamonds in the sky,

You said you’d never leave me and then you said goodbye..

look up and wish upon these stars,

a tragic, magical journey with visible scars.

two small hands reach out,

oh take them will you please?

I have only beauty to offer to cure your disease.

Dance in this garden with me,

if only for a while,

I’m begging for something, even just a tease of a smile.

A heart so bear within a forest of hate,

accept the light in, it’s never too late!

Soft brown curls sway as she twirls all about,

a child’s laughter in the distance,

Pleading to be heard but ignored.

I remember this garden and this sweet little girl,

so precious and so dear.

Atrocities were not binding with its distaste and its fear.

As I look in the mirror and glimpse these eyes from long ago,

Love fills my heart

For I always did know..



11 Jul

I, Melody Rose Mammino, vow, to never again lower my standards of a romantic mate simply because I feel lonely, or bored, or whatever the disillusioned case may be. I vow to stay true to my morals, my values, (my heart) no matter how handsome a face, how clever or sharp a wit and tongue, and no matter how badly I ‘want’ it to work simply because of a mixture of all these things.. I will not sell myself short because something excites me and I become tempted and I promise, to remember my worth, always ♥




Signed x____Melody Rose Mammino___


Arizona. My New Home.

4 Jul

I befriended a horse today. I saw a family of quail on a side street (Two were squabbling with each other). I saw bunnies with big white fluffy tails.

I saw a turtle-dove nesting, a sun fried bearded lizard, all sorts of little lizards. I saw more quail while hiking. Then I was enchantingly led through the desert mountains by a critter that looked like a cross between a squirrel and a chipmunk.

I had a rattle snake scare and right as I was walking alert as can be, a hawk flew out from inside a bush (kinda near my head) scared me… I yelped!

And then I saw two hummingbirds on my way home. One after the other. The significance being that I have only seen a hummingbird once in my life and they have always been like little mythical creatures to me.

That was a treat. I smiled from ear to ear.  

The smell of the desert after the rain..

woodsy, warm honey and cedar with a hint of floral… 🙂

All Consuming

1 Jul

All Consuming

I do not know what it is about you Mr. Italian.. I was just a teenager and you were like a dream to me even then. I found you once after and let you slip through my fingers by circumstantial space and time. Never once did the image of you fade and now.. and now my heart beats violently against my chest,  in suspenseful anticipation of what could be.

Will your image finally fade as an epic story that is never told or will you be real Mr. Italian..? Is this fire my want, my need, my destiny or will you be ashes turned to dust inside the walls of forgotten dreams… I cannot take it!  I need to know before my heart explodes.. because surely it may, and if not then I will stand alone.

You are who I have always wanted. Whether it is out of my own selfish needs or by an epiphany of what is really true and fated.. it does not matter. Either way I want you.

If you are not the one then have mercy on my burning heart, and if you are then will you not take my hand and jump into these flames with me…Be consumed by all that I am and you are and all that we can be..

Il mio Sig. italiano..


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